Daily Post 14
{HeLLo, tHis MeSSaGe iS fOr DAiLy PoSt ReadERS OnlY}
I will count 14 as a magical number, because it is 12 + 2, and 7*2, and it is also 2 weeks from the first daily post! I made a new song, //--W--\\, which was supposed to be a fiesta sort of theme, but I ruined it with Sytrus. Apparently, I accidently replaced the drums with Sytrus. Ooops. Anyway, Spiral is still being worked on, but scarcely. On to 2 chapters of Morpher!
Morpher; Chapter 8 & 9
Welcome back, Z
Z had finally made it to the 'mythical' world. The Mythical world was based in a small wooden hut in the sahara desert (unseen to travellers, unless they are trying to see it, which then it only flickers into view). The room behind the door is actually a perception trick. To faeries, it is a planet sized continent. To people who happen to look for it and enter the flickering hut, it is a bare room. The world was basically 78% forest, 12% ocean, 5% ice, and 5% plain. Z stalked into a forest, searching for some patch imp tribes, his favorite food. Patch imps were thumb-sized creatures that always travelled in tribes, but were known to devour a single Tregg in a minute (a Tregg is a mammoth-sized mammoth, that's green). They mostly attacked sleeping prey. Z stalked and pounced on a tribe of 50 patch imps. He devoured them up in 2 seconds. Ah, good ol' days! He hadn't been in his own world since a little argument he had with one of his 254 siblings (4 were girls......the rest? Boys!), an unnaturaly violent fight about an ancient vase from Z's deceased girlfriend, which had somehow "fell down into the garbage disposal while it was on." He was caught by the morphers minutes after leaving Germany. But Z needed to talk to someone. His cousin, actually. The most ruthless criminal in the Manifrein Plains. He needed some revenge, and some persuasion skills.........
Miles away, Z's cousin, Mak'heer, was carrying a bag of jewels, running for his life. He was being chased by 2 very angry museum clerks, which were unfortunately Poills. Poills were the fastest birdlike humanoids in the universe, their minimum speed a little over 200 mph. Luckily, Mak'heer was feeling fast today, and they weren't. Mak'heer's criminal life started when he first learned how to shoot a gun when he was 3 years old (which led to a crippled dwarf and a lawsuit). Ever sense, he was obsessed with weapons and poisons, and crime. Little did he know, he would have a reunion with one of his little cousins soon, his favorite, in fact.....
Well, that's it for today guys, I need to take a shower! ;P
Perfect practice makes perfect
@ fleek, I think you should be banned from commenting on these posts.
true dat